[Link]: No Dream Can Do Justice to You
The written word is powerful. Read aloud, it’s even more so.
Carlota Perez: Designing the transition: From Consumerism to sustainable ways of living
Flower in the City
Carson McKee’s original lyrics
To pick a flower is to pick its day of dying
To steal the moon is to doom the world to darkness
Music: Vivaldi Complete Cello Concerts
Benjamin Zander’s Masterclass – Bach Cello Suite No 1
An interpretation, and what a transformation from a student willing to listen and adapt.
[Music] The Guitar
A stunning performance by Guy Clark & Verlon Thompson. One to learn to pick 🙂
[Link] Ritual4Return
via “Reasons to be Cheerful”
Rituals abound when it comes to bringing people into the criminal justice system. Yet, there aren’t formal rituals to welcome people back to society after they serve time.
“No one can tell your story except for you and no one has gone through that type of suffering except for you. We can learn from each other’s pain, writing and any type of art”
[Video] Find the Unexpected
A video from 2016 – Destin Sandlin (of Smarter Every Day) urges everyone to be a thinker & a doer in a world of talkers.
[Learning] Fermi Estimation
A couple of videos for the kids to watch on the fine art of guesstimation using Fermi’s principles.