Darius Foroux: 10 rules to persuasive writing in the age of AI
McKinsey: Business & IT working together?
What I see in different shades of gray, from behind my reading glasses
Darius Foroux: 10 rules to persuasive writing in the age of AI
McKinsey: Business & IT working together?
Ben Thompson: ChatGPT learns computing. Plugins for ChatGPT are, in my rather naive view, the innovation that propels LLM’s into everyday tools. I look around at the people in my carriage on the train, and most people are going by their day seemingly unimpressed with this 🙂
Some questions from Shawn Blanc:
* What am I not seeing?
* What do you want to do?
* Why do you want to do it?
* How are you going to do it?
* When are you starting?
Robin Hanson (Overcoming bias): LLM’s for on-brand org text
Knowledge on a chip (tweet Brian Roemmle)
Tyler Cowen: Existential Threats, AI, & the Inevitable turn in human history
Matt Eskridge on Nuanced Thinking
John Voss The machines won’t save your design systems. “Right now, though, we have too much confidence in our ability to make technology better, and not enough respect for its ability to make our lives worse.”
Rapaport’s rules: Listen, Understand, Restate, Agree, Learn.
The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse
Beautiful imagery of birds with the sky as the backdrop: Xavi Bou
Kara Swisher interviews Sam Altman of Open AI
Matthew Strom: Creating a postive workplace community
QOTD from Larry Lessig: “culture needs a different business model. We need access to our past, not just the part of our past that continues to be commercially viable. We need libraries that assure we can see everything our parents or grandparents saw, so we can understand why they were as they were, and how they got better. Great libraries preserve access to as much as they physically can — not based on which titles continue to earn revenue. The past is just one more competitor for a commercial publisher; but for a library, the past is a gift that is to be nurtured and protected, regardless of its commercial value.”
How to chat with a long pdf – video
Biotech company extends lifespan of mice through cell reprogramming. Be cautious: “More information is needed to understand what changes the reprogramming genes cause in mice, and researchers say that other groups must repeat the experiment before they are convinced.”
Jessica Hagy: 10 Places to Invest in these Interesting Times
AI is accelerating, & Ethan Mollick is a convert.
Esther Clark, inspired by Clayton Christensen’s sign Anomalies Wanted, invites innovators to hold of judgments and examine anomalies deeply for innovation.
Jim Nielson: AI takes over because of human hype, not machine intelligence
Merging talent, skills and purpose: Pearlyn Phau, Group CEO of Singlife in McKinsey.
Society’s technical debt & software’s Gutenberg moment “Perhaps we should be thinking less about opportunities for displacement automation and more about opportunities for augmenting automation, the kind of thing that unleashes creativity and leads to wealth and human flourishing.”
And a counterpoint to that argument: Why ChatGPT won’t replace coders just yet.
How loneliness reshapes the brain: “The problem with loneliness seems to be that it biases our thinking. In behavioral studies, lonely people picked up on negative social signals, such as images of rejection, within 120 milliseconds — twice as quickly as people with satisfying relationships and in less than half the time it takes to blink. Lonely people also preferred to stand farther away from strangers, trusted others less and disliked physical touch.”
Jeremy Keith argues for users of AI systems, particularly chatbot users, to be told that they’re engaging with AI generated content in Disclosure.
Some tips on creating the perfect link.
50 Years Later, We’re Still Living in Xerox Alto’s World The Alto“Innovation is the work of groups, of communities. These provide the context and the medium for the actions of the individual. Leadership is a meaningless concept outside of a group.”
An Open Letter to the Next Generation from Herbie Hancock & Wayne Shorter: “As we accumulate years, parts of our imagination tend to dull. Whether from sadness, prolonged struggle, or social conditioning, somewhere along the way people forget how to tap into the inherent magic that exists within our minds. Don’t let that part of your imagination fade away. … All that exists is a product of someone’s imagination; treasure and nurture yours and you’ll always find yourself on the precipice of discovery.”
The original Open Space Technology User’s Guide. I’ve been at (& helped organise) sessions run like this to great benefit. Another method of hosting these facilitation sessions is the World Cafe. More facilitator resources here and here. And an inviting leadership guide
Leo Babauta Everyday wonder
Ethan Mollick: How to Use ChatGPT to Unstick Yourself, & Using ChatGPT to make Teaching Easier
How virtual environments work in Python
“The purpose of life is to experience things for which you will later experience nostalgia.”
“All the big dreams of better ways of doing things fall apart because the people involved don’t have the inner strength. The real work is about gradually improving people’s ability to be themselves and to trust each other. If that work doesn’t happen, the rest is just window dressing”
Mastering Humility: The guitar teaches you to be humble, in spades.