Care to know about the techies behind Obama’s re-election? When the Nerds Go Marching In – Alexis C. Madrigal
Tag: US Elections 2012
Story telling in pictures [Article]
The End
It has been an intense few months of campaigning & the US has a new president. Or rather, the old one continues with a fresh lease of life. Here are two contrasting thoughts from two people whose writings I follow online: Andrew Sullivan, a Democrat & Jerry Pournelle, a Republican. Yours to make of it what you wish to. And just for kicks, the real winner in this election was Nate Silver. This is why.
Voter suppression – US style…
Bronco Obamma & MItt Rommennee [Video]
If you’ve had enough of the US Elections, you’re not alone!
Election Rigging
In the country that promotes “democracy” around the world – Democrats blast Ottawa County elections board for giving voters the wrong election date and polling place.
Sanctions are “genocide”
During the course of the third US Presidential debate, both “leaders” wanted tougher sanctions against Iran. Here’s a take from a former UN official, who says Iraq sanctions are “genocide”. As an aside, I watched the debate live on the internet, & followed along on Twitter (for some interesting real-time perspectives)
China & US Jobs
During the 2nd US Presidential Debate, Mitt Romney said that China’s currency currency manipulation and intellectual property theft has allowed it to become the largest manufacturer in the world, causing the loss of 500,000 American manufacturing jobs in the last four years. Anthony Tao defends China: Even now, when China’s per [capita] GDP is still nearly six times less than the US’s, China is just artificially keeping its currency down cause it really wants to stick it to Americans, right? Because there are just so many Americans who dream about working in an iPhone-assembling factory.
Understanding in Debates [link]
Lest we in the rest of the world naively believe that the US-promoted style of democratic electing a government is the best in the world, here’s the Memorandum of Understanding that the campaigns signed. A carefully constructed document that ensures that the candidates sponsors interests’ never come up as questions. And if you didn’t get a chance to watch the 2nd debate, watch it here.
2nd US Presidential Debate
The second debate starts at 9:00pm at Hofstra University, Long Island, New York. The moderator is CNN’s Candy Crowley. You can watch the debate here, if you’re interested. Check here for your local time (if you’re in Sydney or Delhi).