Teaching boys to be kind [Article]

In the wake of another publicised rape, this time in the US, Kim Simon writes about what it means to raise boys to be kind men.

While it’s true that big scary monster men sometimes jump out of bushes to rape unsuspecting women, most rapists look like the men we see every day.  Acquaintance rape (or date rape) accounts for the majority of sexual assaults among young people: in colleges, in high schools, at parties, in the cars and bedrooms that belong to the men who women trust.

The Church and its stance on rape [News article]

The older I get, the more the Catholic Church’s actions befuddle me. In Brazil, the Church has excommunicated the mother of a 9 year old rape victim for approving abortion, & the doctor who performed the medical procedure on the child. The man accused of the rape however has not been excommunicated. The explanation from church is, well, you make up your mind. Does progress mean embracing a newer set of superstitions?

For Anonymous [Article]

The young woman from Delhi who was raped, beaten & her intestines yanked out with a metal rod inserted into her body after the “men” ravaged her, died in Singapore on the 29th of December. Nilanjana Roy weeps for her, & for all women who have remained statistics, unnamed, and have endured the brutality that is socially referred to in India as “eve teasing”.