The Museum of Obsolete Items has a playlist of revolutionary items of their time that don’t exist (or aren’t used) anymore, like the quill
Tag: Museum
Waxing to life-like perfection – [Article]
Recognise the name Marie Grosholz? Heard of Madame Tussaud? Laetitia D traces the origins of the wax museums:
a 32-year-old woman undertook the gruesome labor of casting in wax the severed heads of the enemies of the Revolution. The effigies were then paraded on picks in the streets as symbolic sacraments of the people’s victory. The dilligent wax manufacturer’s name was Marie Grosholz, a name she promptly changed after her wedding to become Madame Tussaud.
Take a tour of the museum’s storage facility with Emily
This girl, Emily, makes even dead things come to life.
No, seriously, she’s so good in her job as a curator – let her take you into the bowels of a museum that she works at, & discover all the things they’ve got in their storage there!
No, seriously, she’s so good in her job as a curator – let her take you into the bowels of a museum that she works at, & discover all the things they’ve got in their storage there!