How the shutdown would be reported if it happened elsewhere [Article]

The language used to report domestic events in Western nations is often wildly different to similar events happening in ‘hardline’ countries. Slate’s recent article shows the contrast from the US.

While the country’s most recent elections were generally considered to be free and fair (despite threats against international observers), the current crisis has raised questions in the international community about the regime’s ability to govern this complex nation of 300 million people, not to mention its vast stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction.

The Gospel According to the NYT

An unbelievable question in the NYTimes – Should the Times be a Truth Vigilante?

I’m amazed that Arthur S. Brisbane even had to ask this question: “Do you want us to cross-check “facts” that are claimed as truth by various figures in the public space?”

But then again, knowing the crap that’s hoisted on its ‘readership’, by this & most other mainstream media, it’s no surprise, is it?

Check out the comments to this Oped.. scathing in the least…Also leaves me to wonder, if so many people are so disillusioned with mainstream media (myself included), why do we still read/ follow the garbage they spew out???