I’m fascinated with this lady who I’d never heard of until she passed. Listen to this interview with Bill Moyers. & her reaction to winning the Nobel Prize for Literature
Tag: Interview
NPR Interview with Cdr Chris Hadfield re his new book.
Listen to the interview. Or read the transcript. Either way, a very worthwhile investment of time talking to the man who’s the first music producer/ artist from outer space.
Interviews with Eric Hoffer [Video 1 of 5)
Eric Hoffer (1902-1983) is nobody’s ideal of a public intellectual. He barely saw the inside of a school. He spent most of his working life as a longshoreman on the San Francisco docks. Almost every day, he took a three-mile walk. Along the way, thoughts formed. Later they became sentences, then books. Over the years, he wrote ten. “The True Believer” is his masterpiece. Watch an interview with the man
Stephen Cave: Anti-death behaviour [Interview]
Philosopher Stephen Cave in conversation with Susie Neilson:
Thinking less about yourself, more about other people and other causes, so your own death doesn’t seem as important to you, because these other causes and people will live on. Those other things will help you come to terms with death.
Maya Angelou on Freedom: A 1973 Conversation with Bill Moyers [Article]
Maya Angelou on Freedom: A 1973 Conversation with Bill Moyers.
You only are free when you realize you belong no place — you belong every place — no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great.
Surviving Mass Extinction: An Interview with Annelee Newitz
Before you scoff at the audacity, listen (or read the transcript) to this interview that Ira Flatow of NPR had with Author Annalee Newitz, about her new book “Scatter, Adapt, & Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction“
Filling Silence With Scoops [Article]
Chip Scanlan emphasizes the power of silence for journalists conducting interviews. His advice stands for pretty much all of us in our daily lives too. Listening, instead of speaking, may be the best thing to do in more circumstances than you have considered.
Will Smith on Life [Video]
A compilation of Will Smith interviews sharing his philosophy about life
Arthur Conan Doyle [Interview]
Possibly the only ever filmed interview available of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, he talks about his most famous character, Sherlock Holmes, & spiritualism. About 10 mins long.
The SuperSonic Man [article]
A 2-year old interview with Felix Baumgartner, who, last week, jumped out of a helium balloon 39km in the sky, & lived to tell the tale.