So i hear the UK government wants to make a porn filter. About bloody time i reckon. I’m fed up of happily browsing the Internet for boobs, only to have non-porn related subject matter thrust down my face hole.
So taking inspiration from other great Internet filtering nations such as North Korea, China, Syria, Iran, Cuba, Bahrain, Belarus, Burma, Uzbekistan, Saudia Arabia and Vietnam I decided to help out the UK government and build an Internet filter that only allows pornographic material through.
Tag: Filters
Spam origin experiment – [Article]
T Rob shares the story, and a couple of tricks, of his experiment to control spam mail:
The problem with spam is you can’t really tell where it comes from. If you have an email address that you never use, you probably don’t get too much spam there. But if you use the same email address for everything, it gradually gets more and more spam until you are forced to abandon it. That suggests that the address leaks out with some specific activities online, but which ones?
Filtered information [TED video]
Think you can get all the information you want on the omniscient Internet? The speaker, Eli Pariser, explains the automatic filters that every single website that you frequent has in place to give you “the best experience”, & the implications. A must watch.