Tag: Economics
Wealth of Nations, Revisted [Article]
Say Adam Smith, & the word image that pops up is “Economist” or “Father of Capitalism”. Yet, despite the image, Adam Smith’s work was more philosophical / moral than purely economics, says The Philosopher’s Beard.
Rubbish-talking economists
A researcher has used the rubbish we throw away as an alternative, more reliable measure of consumption than the standard model.
Social Devaluation [Essay]
Dylan Grice, an analyst from Societe Generale, in his letter titled “You are debasing more than our currency”, asks, “do our money-printing central banks and their cheerleaders understand the full consequences of the monetary debasement they continue to engineer?”
Getting an education [links]
The Internet has decimated the distribution system in a whole range of industries – newspapers, advertising, ideas sharing, communication, telecommunications etc. Education hasn’t been spared either. There are hundreds of online courses that offer specialised or general education courses, (Khan Academy, Coursera are a couple of examples). It has spawned what are called MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) from the likes of Harvard, Stanford, & other big-dollar universities, who don’t want to lose their advantage (& their revenues). Adding to the list, MRUniversity is offering a free economics education. Here’s a current collection of 530 free online courses, something might catch your fancy!