Dan Weiss’ drum interpretation of auctioneer Ty Thompson. Dan performs on the tabla as well – just so you know.
Tag: Drum
Dean Zimmer: Drummer wanted – the story of a handicapable drummer [Video]
Dean Zimmer is a handi-capable drummer living in Southern California.
Mom’s an incredible musician [Video]
Keeping time is an art, and being a master of precision, or a percussionist, takes time & training. This mom shows off her skills. Kickass drummer! Have a great weekend!
Wondering what to do during a boring meeting? Learn to “desk drum” [Video]
Two University of Washington students improvise.
How musicians treat drummers sometimes [Video]
Another instrument, I guess.
Too big for yourself? There is hope [Video]
If you find yourself worrying about what you will do with all that weight – you could just be the next percussion instrument for these guys – take a look
Washing Drum [Video]
A 10 year old provides inspiration for an alternate use to the washing-machine: