[Link] Pull vs Push Media

Philip Napoli’s opinion column in WIRED on the dismal readership & failure of DJT’s blog:

The failure of Donald Trump’s blog is, then, yet another indication of the massive power that the platform giants hold over the content that we consume. But it’s a reminder that we bear responsibility for voluntarily ceding this power to them, and enthusiastically embracing the push model of the web over the pull.


The first CEO blog post [Article]

A very good piece of advice. For any communication, for that matter.

Be brave, say what you really think, say it in your own words. And I mean your own words – the way you would talk to a friend. Not falsely informal nor nervously official. Your real voice, the real you. Surprisingly this is what makes it so damn hard

Dave Winer: Why I write [blog]

I read about Dave Winer in an article that Om Malik wrote about people who inspire him. Ever since, Dave’s is one of the first blogs I read as soon as I wake up (sometimes, even before I’m out of bed!); as is his river of news. After several months of reading about it from him, I finally caved in & installed the OPML editor and use it as my diary-writing tool (& enjoy it too, although a spell-check would help me significantly!).  Dave, in a longish post, explains why he writes on his blog.