Researchers (how do they do this, I wonder) have traced about 11% of the genomes in contemporary Australian Aborigines to migrants from India – 4000 years ago! Them, & the ancestors of the dingo. That is roughly 141 generations ago. I guess its a little more material to work with for those really keen on genealogy!
Tag: Australia
The world is awash with the story that Julia Gillard stood up for women’s rights in the Australian Parliament yesterday against the “misogynist” Opposition leader. Here’s an alternate opinion, one that confirms that this tirade had nothing to do with sexism, & everything to do with politics. Keep in mind that her own Speaker was forced to resign yesterday because of his “references” to women’s genitalia, & this was the best show that the PM could put considering she didn’t have a leg to stand on during question time”. She now is down to a 1-vote majority.
Travellers Prayer – Slim Dusty
Shooting one’s foot stuck in oil..
What exactly are they trying to do here?
This is what I see.
Iran has no nuclear weapons. Iran has oil
The West in an oil guzzler.
The West needs all the oil it can get. One way or the other.
Saudi, UAE, Iraq, Libya. Nigeria. Check.
Iran. Venezuela… hmmm.
the US imposes sanctions & says we don’t need your oil.
The All-lies nod their heads & wag their tails & say ditto.
Europe is a financial basket case. So is US.
Jobs being lost every day.
No sign of recovery in sight.
Great way to shoot yourself in the foot. Go All-lies!
Japan, China, Russia, Brazil & India have agreed with Iran to settle their oil bill in their own currencies, rather than the Humpty-Dumpty US Dollar.
Australia, another subservient spineless All-lie, who doesn’t realise (or maybe doesn’t care) that its mineral resources will soon run out.
Aussie Soldiers
As if ever I doubted it, we live in a strange world.
Where it’s okay for the government to order its men to shoot & kill another human.
But it’s not okay to drink without permission.
Diggers caught drinking sent back to Afghanistan [via]
Australians Personal Debt Bomb
Heading on the same path that its “strategic partner” or Lord & Master, the US is leading.
Credit Card Debt Swells to $50b ($36b of that is interest!!)
Modern “Medicine”?
Australia: The Child Allergy Capital of the World..[via yahoo news]
Expounding a research by Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, this article identifies a 2-year old who is suffering from food allergy, but is alive.
Somewhere in this article, a mother gratefully thanking “modern medicine” says, “If we’d been in a third world country, and we hadn’t known about the testing, or the awareness of allergies wasn’t so high, he probably would have died before the age of one.
The medicine man (or researcher – I’m not sure what he is), says “We know that it is something to do with modern lifestyle because in developing countries food allergy rarely exists, and in countries that are undergoing modern developments, like in China, we’re now seeing rates that are rising.”
“Maybe it’s the dark side of those fantastic public health initiatives that we really need to think about, that we’re not stimulating our immune system enough. That includes getting out and playing outside, it includes things like exposure to farm animals and pets,” Professor Allen said.
I am more inclined to believe the medicine man.
What if modern messing around the food chain was the reason for the food allergy in the first place? What can be said with certainty is that those “third-world” countries have far less Genetically Modified & packaged food on their store shelves?
Just thinking aloud.