Two weeks ago, inspired by a colleague, I decided to try the 100 pushups challenge. I didn’t quite read the challenge for the entire first week, and given that I had never tried to do any pushups consistently, I only attempted the Day 1 routine through the first week.
The second week of doing Week 1 was better. I collapsed every day in a heap, exhausted with the effort, but I survived it.
This morning was Day 1 of Week 2. The challenge was to do 9 – 11 – 8 – 8 – 11+ push-ups. I attempted it first thing in the morning, and I’m glad I did, because the rest of the day was me glued to my chair.
I don’t know what I’ll find through this challenge, but one thing is certain. Rep 5 is when “keep on going” feels impossible. And still I persist.