Incoming WE 2024-09-22

A smorgasbord over the last few weeks

  • Thermidor: Lobster dish!
  • Mendacity: Dishonesty
  • Hypochondria – excessive and undue worry about having a serious health condition. I could not recall the word today and had to look it up.
  • Category error: is a semantic or ontological error in which things belonging to a particular category are presented as if they belong to a different category, or, alternatively, a property is ascribed to a thing that could not possibly have that property.
  • What do Language Models actually model? _"The idea is that cognition doesn’t end at the brain and the person doesn’t end at the the skin. Rather, cognition is extended. Personhood is messy, ambiguous, intertwined with the existence of others, and so on." Human language is an activity is one in which "various opportunities and risks are perceived, engaged with, and managed."
  • Hendrik Karlsson on Becoming Perceptive
  • The Ruthless Edit – advice from Rick Rubin, on Jim Nielsen’s blog, that is so immediately relevant to my current circumstance. Reminds me of this post I saw from Dr. Jason Fox

NYTimes on early retirement: The schemers and savers obsessed with ending their careers as early as possible

What you fear.png