2021 ends in a couple of hours. The sounds outside are a mixture of kids squealing with joy, loud music and yelling, frogs croaking, and sirens blaring every so often. The rest of the family is watching Harry Potter, while I type out the >95th post here since consistently from September the 24th.
I’d like to think of this year as another one that taught me a lot about what was truly important. Whether it was through illnesses and trauma of close family, the undescribable and unforgettable support of my friends around the world and down the road, my own ill health, the joy of helping people succeed, the heartbreak of watching several good ideas get crushed through politics, the never ending uncertainty thanks to CoVID’s still continuing destruction, people moving on from their roles, people leaving the the world of the living, getting to meet new people halfway around the world, discovering the amazing strengths of those around me… I could go on and on. It’s been a wonderful year of learning about myself, and of rediscovering a small circle of true friends.
I’m blessed beyond measure – my wife and kids, my colleagues, and the community I live in have all made 2021 one to be cherished.
Happy New Year to you, my 2 readers. I hope you too can count your blessings and look forward to more in 2022.