One day at a time…

Some days, it’s harder to get out of bed. 
To do what is otherwise easy. 
Or necessary.
To do the work.
To listen.
To say the things that need saying…like “thank you” and “I love you” and “You did a great job”…
To ask for help.
To smile. 
To have fun.
Today’s reading was a good reminder. 
One day at a time is enough.
Also, flourishes are hard?


I’ve not meditated for a few months now, a practice I used to do religiously, that requires just sitting down. My meditation has morphed into writing a quote every day, after reading a short passage from a book I always have around me.

For me, the act of writing involves the process of getting my pens, nibs, inks, paper, positioning the chair, and myriad other things. It is my active meditation, done in the moments before the silence of the night is gently shaken by the birds beginning their day.

Angels as creative forces

We are not alone in the universe. We are surrounded by mighty creative forces. When you are needed by others, when you have something valuable to contribute, these beneficial forces will support you, give you greater health, greater energy levels, longer life and deeper creativity. Life may strike at you, and challenges can hurtle themselves against you, but you will feel equal to them. Deeper forces from within will support you, hold you up, and act as a shield. – Eknath Eswaran

Change is imperceptible in the moment

While the quote is dated, and solar energy accounts for a sizeable portion of the energy market now, it wasn’t all that long ago that it was dismissed as a fad. Like many other things we see around us, ideas are dismissed because they shake the status quo for the establishment. Time (& heat?) changes everything, even though it may be imperceptible in the moment.