
.. in the tech reporting space

Well said, Dave.. “stop using women as examples of confused computer users

& here’s why:
“Irrespective of where you live, if you are a woman,
chances are that you are doing more than one job. Your time is fragmented
in complicated ways. One of the natural consequences of this is that your
patience with things that don’t work is lower. In this sense, women become a
gold standard for usability. If you can get it right for women, it’s going to
be right for everyone. If you don’t aim at the beginning point of coming out of
the box and just working and working flawlessly, every time, there are going to
be a lot of women for whom that solution is never going to be a part of their
lives. Not because they don’t understand technology … but because there are so
many other constraints and pressures.” – Genevieve Bell, Social Anthropologist at Intel

The richest country in the world [NOT anymore]

How do you measure if you’re wealthy?

The commonly accepted measure of wealth is “money” – the more you have, the wealthier you are.

Consider this plot:
Money is a commodity.
The supply of this commodity is a monopoly of a “government”.
The commodity is accepted within the peoples that agree to back that government.
The government then outsources the delivery of this commodity, like every other commodity, to private contractors.
Seeing that everyone has accepted for this “reality” that sovereign money is good, the controllers of the commodity can mess around with its supply (remember elementary economics? Less supply, high demand, higher prices?]

The time is nigh to pay the price.

Beginning with the leaders.
The half-baked experiment that was the EU.
How much longer for the rest of the dominoes to fall?

The writing is on the wall.

Experiments with paper currency backed by gold were replaced by bit-money & paper currency backed by promises.

The results of this experiment are being felt by most people (call them the 99%-ers), although we can’t make much sense of it.  The structure built on promises is collapsing, but it takes a while for the sense to percolate to the large majority.