Category: Uncategorized
Is there life after work? [Op-Ed]
The ex-CFO of Lehmann Brothers, Erin Callan, wrote this poignant op-ed in the NY Times. “Whatever valuable advice I have about managing a career, I am only now learning how to manage a life.”
What should my child take up? [Thought, video]
I’ve frequently been asked, by parents whose kids are just about to finish their HSC, what stream has most employment opportunities. I have honestly no idea. I do think that we are fast approaching a robotic era – more & more work gets done by machines, & so would presume that knowing how to get those machines to do the work would be a more important skill than doing it. I just read this quote that summed it up really well “You either will be the person who tells the computer what to do or the person that the computer tells what to do.” Father Guido Sarducci shares his wisdom.
The Himalayas [Picture]
Credit Card with personality?
As if plastic money isn’t addictive enough for a whole generation who’ve never seen cash, MasterCard issues a new credit card with its own LCD Screen.
Sacrilege! [News]
Just saying, now that the Pope has decided to join Twitter.
Future of education [Article]
Baby Elephant rescue
Members of the Amboseli Trust, an elephant welfare and conservation group, have attempted to rescue a baby elephant trapped in a water well in Kenya
Sea Views [Picture, News]
Carnival Spirit arrives in Sydney waters.
A water droplet in slow motion [video]
Awesome. and so are this eagleowl and a teaser of pollination and a cymbal.