This last week was an interesting week, fo’ sho’!
If I try to remember what I had for lunch on Monday (& I sometimes get that question from the Home Minister), I can’t usually remember. It’s no different today. I can’t remember lunch (or any other meal this week). What I do know however about food is that it is very nourishing. (It also is starting to show through my shirt).
I do remember that I met a few interesting people this week.
The first one began the conversation saying he had just returned from accompanying his wife to her first chemotherapy session. I haven’t had many of such conversation starters, & I admit it took me a while to recover.
I got to see some of my colleagues in a very different light too. With great power comes great responsibility – is what I have grown up thinking. That was challenged this week. I shan’t explain the details but I’m learning that it doesn’t apply in a corporate setting. The responsibility bit, that is. The care factor, as they call it, is below zero.
The kids have been surprising me with everything they’ve been up to. The dude has been learning to climb up the kitchen high chair on this own, & of course, occasionally toppling over – thankfully without causing much damage either to himself or to the general surroundings. The dudette, of course, is on to her latest fad, writing. She wants to be a writer when she grows up. The dictionary is her favorite book these days, & a notebook is filling up fast with new words & their meanings. Language is blooming in the house, even in winter!
I found myself struggling to read even a page out of my planned reading of the Great Books (I’m up to Aristotle’s book on Ethics. Fortunately for me, I stumbled across this page (site apparently not updated for a while) today, & this comment by the author “Whitehead describes philosophy as the “critique of abstractions”—the endless effort to drag the balloon of the mind back to the earth of actual experience. Aristotle (at least in the current selections) looks like a collection of balloons“ – gives me some hope that I am not the only only struggling with this mammoth effort. There is light at the end of the reading tunnel!
I’ve added a few new blogs to my blogroll this week – discoveries made mostly on twitter (!!!). I have been back to my voracious reading – save the challenge with Aristotle above.
I’ve got to figure out how to create a linkblog on this site. Another item for the ballooning to-do list.