2023-09-16 Links

[! Warning]
This is my reading links from today. There may not be anything interesting for you πŸ™‚

I learnt how to create a callout block and that there are 12 distinct callout types in Obsidian! Here, I’m using ‘Warning’. This may not render in WordPress.

Daily Reads:

Erik Schon has put together a collection of Wardley Maps for inspiration. It’s time to review how they are built, and to use them for a project I’m about to propose, the one that I watched today by random was this talk called "Saving Your Business" by Cory Foy This write up is a lot more interesting for practical application

A recommendation from John Naughton to read this New Yorker piece on "The Transformative, Alarming Power of Gene Editing" by Dana Goodyear

From Sahil Bloom’s newsletter: Reverse Engineering Your Ideal Life at 80! Dr. Peter Attiah describes the Centenarian Decathlon as β€œthe ten most important physical tasks you will want to be able to do for the rest of your life.”

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see."
– Arthur Schopenhauer


Mark Knopfler Live at Madison Square Garden, 2019